The aim of this ministry is to clean 4 miles of the highway (two miles of the entrance ramp going north and coming south). This program helps to keep our environment clean, increases the beauty of our highways to residents and tourists. We do this to every changing of the seasons. Watch bulletins and newsletters for updates.
Clare Community Food Truck
(Food ministry that provides food to those in need.)
- It is held on the first Saturday of every month
- It is held in different locations in the county throughout the year
Saturday Soup
On the last Saturday of each month, the Saturday Soup ministry provides a free meal of soup, sandwich, salad or fresh vegetables, dessert, and drinks to anyone who comes. In addition, personal care items, laundry care, and other items are available, free, for anyone to take. While this ministry does help to stretch the grocery budget, it was intended and has become a place to mingle, build friendships, and be an activity to look forward to and help get out of the house. This ministry regularly serves 70 persons and has served over 100. The goal is to be a blessing to as many as can be reached.